笔者认为,尽量突出自己的原创发现,尽可能深入地解析机制,在动物模型而非细胞上研究生物学功能,是第三篇论文被抢发了两次,仍然能够发表于《EMBO Reports》的主要原因。他们的经验也告诉我们,课题被抢发了并不意味着课题的终结,想办法做出自己的特色就会迎来转机。说明:本文图片来源于网络。 参考文献1. Bao, J. et al. (2016). Deacetylation of TFEB promotes fibrillar Abeta degradation by upregulating lysosomal biogenesis in microglia. Protein & Cell.2. Zhang, J. et al. (2018). Importance of TFEB acetylation in control of its transcriptional activity and lysosomal function in response to histone deacetylase inhibitors. Autophagy.3. Wang, Y.et al. (2020). Acetyltransferase GCN5 regulates autophagy and lysosome biogenesis by targeting TFEB. EMBO Reports. 推荐阅读: